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In Production and development​


  • THE PHILOSPHER GASTRONAUT -  feature documentary

coproduced with Filmworks Trento Italy 

funded by CMF Canada media Fund and DGC Direzione Generale del cinema 


David Szanto, the Philosopher Gastronaut, is on a quest: travel the world

to take part into the ongoing gastronomic revolution, putting his academic

career on the line to become the first Philosopher Gastronaut.


David Szanto, philosophe et gastronome, voyage à travers le monde pour

établir une nouvelle façon de concevoir la nourriture ; il lutte contre les

soi-disant « experts », tout en aidant les producteurs, les artistes et les

activistes à valoriser leur combat pour se réapproprier l’art culinaire.

Mais David risque-t-il sa carrière académique ? Ou pire : deviendra-t-il l’un

de ces experts qu’il s’astreint à dénoncer ?












  • UNDER THE SAME SKY - feature film

writing and pre-prod

funded by AMMDF Alberta MultiMedia development fund (English version)

funded by  Sodec (French version)


A loner, whose love of soccer and mistrust of authority figures have roots in a

troubled childhood, is charged with warding off industrial sabotage at a mining

site, only to discover he is one more puppet in the hands of the greedy boss.


Un solitaire, dont l’amour du soccer et la méfiance envers l’autorité trouvent

racine dans une enfance troublée, est chargé d’empêcher le sabotage industriel

d’un site minier, pour finalement découvrir qu’il n’est qu’une autre marionnette

aux mains d’un patron avide.










  • THE CASE OF MISSING TEDDY BEARS - animation feature film

writing  and pre-prod – 

associated with educational videogame 

in co-prod with the Animation Workshop Denmark 

funded by Sodec – LES PELUCHES SONT PARTIS (French version) 

funded by AMMDF Alberta MultiMedia development fund (English version)


When Symptom fails to take one of his daily pills, he finds out that pill’s manufacturer, the company everyone reveres, is in fact trying to make children disappear. Will he and his beloved dog Who be able to stop them?


Quand le petit Symptôme néglige de prendre l’un de ses cachets quotidiens, il comprend que la compagnie que tout le monde adule veut éradiquer les enfants. Avec l’aide de son chien Qui, il fera tout pour les en empêcher.

















  • RED CARD2POVERTY –in production

CBC digital short

funded by Sodec - script development fund


This is the story of MYFA in Mathane, Kenya: a soccer school established by the retired  Canadian diplomat B. Munro in the shantytowns of Nairobi, whose successes – human and sport – have been recognized.

MYFA organization survives on small donations from foreign companies and agencies, but its success depends above all on the amazing energy of the young, self-educated social activists who began playing football and now run MYSA. 


On the back of this network, MYSA now runs lending services for football boots and books, as well as clinics and health centers across Nairobi. 

It has also created a professional team – Mathare United – in which all players are contractually obliged to do significant social work. 

This team has proved good enough to win the Kenyan Championship. 




feature film - adapted by award winning play by Matthew Mackenzie SIA

funded by Sodec - script development

funded by AMMDF Alberta MultiMedia development fund - script development

Alberta Screenwriting competition - 2015 - second best script


A feature length hostage drama, SIA is the story of a former Liberian child soldier 

who takes a Canadian University student hostage in a desperate bid to stop a

War Crime's trial taking place at the International Criminal Court. 

SIA is a fast and furious examination of the difficult relationship between the

Developed and the Developing worlds, as seen through the eyes of young people,

who are living the not yet realized ideal that all are born free and equal. 

SIA asks whether our Western desire to "do good" actually manifests itself

in us doing much.






stop-motion short - in production



Un enfant solitaire dont le vieux ballon de papier et scotch ne rebondit pas, remarque la passion d'un vieil homme pour les élastiques. Il réussit à attirer son attention en lui donnant par hasard l'élastique dont il a besoin pour terminer son projet : faire tenir ensemble ses objets et son passé.

Pour remercier l'enfant de son aide, le vieillard lui donnera un nouveau ballon improvisé... qui enfin rebondira.


​As solitary kid plays with a ball made of old plastic garbage and tape, he notices an ELDER collecting rubber bands along the neighbour streets. The old Man needs them to hold together the physical evidence of his past – piled up in his sitting room. But no elastics would be strong enough to hold it together. Those rubber bands would end up forming a ball, a bouncing one, for the Kid to play with.


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